Exploring Oracle Systems

Practices for diving into the Divine and

Swimming in the seas of your Soul

Oracle Cards, IChing, and the Gene Keys

For eons, people have looked for spiritual, psychological, astrological, and/or psychic guidance and sustenance by all sorts of activities like reading tea leaves, studying horoscopes, using meditation and prayer, reading mystical, religious, or self help literature, attending ceremonies, and participating in workshops and conferences. A variety of processes are available to assist us: Oracle Card decks, the I Ching: Book of Changes, and Richard Rudd’s The Gene Keys are three amazing types of resources that inspire our journeys of growth and healing. A guide or facilitator can assist with exploring meanings of such oracle systems. People interested in this practice can also use these enlightening and transforming systems on their own.

I Ching: https://brianbrownewalker.com/i-ching/

The Gene Keys: https://genekeys.com/


You can read about these Oracle decks online.

  • Rumi Oracle: An Invitation into the Heart of the Divine Cards by Alana Fairchild and Rassouli

  • Kali Oracle by Alana Fairchild

  • The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Waterson

  • The Spirit of the Animal Oracle by Jody Bergsma

  • The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle by Bernadette King

  • The Wisdom Keepers Oracle by Rosy Aronson

  • Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

  • The Rose Oracle, The Healing Waters Oracle and the Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

  • Soul Oracle Cards 2 by Deborah Koff-Chapin

  • The Wild Unknown Archetypes, Oracle Cards by Kim Krans

Oracle cards can invigorate and guide you as you wander through mystical, spiritual, and psychological practices. Images, symbols and metaphors can supplement what words don’t easily express. Oracle cards can also inspire creative writings, songs, and other works of art.